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Your Vote

Are you registered?  You can check here.  You can get help registering here.


Do you have a voting plan?  Make a plan for how you will vote, either early or on election day Nov. 5.

  • Vote early if you can, either in person or by mail.

  • On Nov. 5, know where to go to vote, what the ID requirements are, and what are the hours of your polling place.

  • Work out any scheduling concerns ahead of time: work, childcare, getting to and from, etc.

Help Others to Vote for Harris-Walz

  • Encourage five others to vote for Harris.  Ask if they are registered and have a voting plan.  Ask them to encourage five others.

  • Volunteer to help others with their voting plan.

  • Post a yard sign declaring your support for Harris-Walz.

  • Show your support for Harris-Walz on Social Media (e.g. wearing or displaying Evangelicals For Harris memorabilia).

  • Take a picture of yourself voting and share in your Social Media channels, encouraging everyone to vote.

  • Host a house party to help inform and encourage others.


This election is especially fraught, given all the false accusations about voting results.  Intimidation of voters and poll workers could be high.  Pray for:

  • wisdom for all voters;

  • a strong turnout;

  • protection and safety for all voters and poll workers;

  • respect for the integrity of the voting process and results, including concessions by those who lost;

  • the prevention of any efforts to subvert or steal the election.

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