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Biden-Harris Pro-Family Policies and

Kamala Harris’s Pro-Family Agenda

Joe Biden and Kamala Harris have a deep concern for all families, which is why they have fought to implement their pro-family agenda.  This is grounded in their bedrock belief that we are all made in the image of God and thus we are all created equal and therefore worthy of dignity and respect.  

A fundamental place where we experience this dignity and respect is in a loving family.  That’s why the Biden-Harris team has worked hard everyday to create policies that support and protect families.  Kamala Harris will carry this fight forward when she is elected president.

Protecting Families From State Intrusion Into Private Matters

Having children is a heartfelt desire of many families.  For couples trying to have a child, a miscarriage is one of the hardest experiences any family will have to endure.  

For those trying to become pregnant who find out their only hope is through in vitro fertilization (IVF), this journey is fraught with emotion and can be a roller coaster of highs and lows.

Since the overturning of Roe, draconian laws and extreme court decisions have made doctors and hospitals afraid to provide standard, life-saving medical care to women having miscarriages or women whose unviable pregnancies threaten their lives and future ability to have children.  

And now IVF is also threatened.

IVF Biden

Thus, the state is intruding into these private family matters:

  • preventing doctors from saving a woman’s life — someone’s wife, daughter, mom, sister;

  • preventing medical care to protect the ability to have children;

  • preventing IVF, taking the hope for biological children away;

  • limiting contraception, disrupting family planning about when is the best time to bring a child into the family.

This is not pro-family.

Kamala Harris will continue to work hard to keep the state out of these private family matters.

Affordable, Accessible Healthcare For Families

There is nothing more important than the health of our loved ones.  That is why Biden-Harris' has made healthcare coverage much more affordable and stable. 

Biden-Harris' efforts have led to:

  • the greatest percentage of people covered in our nation’s history, approximately 93 percent at the end of 2022 (the latest year for which there is data);

  • a 9 million surge in enrollments for health coverage, from 12 million at the beginning of the Biden presidency to over 21 million in January 2024;

  • four out of five people on the Healthcare Marketplace being able to find a plan for less than $10 a month, and over 90% having three or more options from which to choose;

  • working families saving an average of $800 per person a year thanks to health care subsidies provided by Biden’s legislative victories;

  • over 8 million being freed from struggling with medical debt;

  • Insulin costs being capped at $35 per month for seniors on Medicare, saving an average of $500 per year;

  • winning the ability for the government to negotiate with drug companies to lower drug prices for the first time.

kamala harris healthcare
Uninsured rate
aca enrollment

Kamala Harris knows there’s more work to do.  She’ll keep at it until all families have: 

  • good, affordable, accessible healthcare, 

  • low drug prices, and;

  • paid family and medical leave.

A Pro-Family Economy

Economic wellbeing is one of the chief ways we can experience dignity and respect, and is a cornerstone of the Biden-Harris pro-family agenda.  Kamala Harris will continue to strengthen the Middle Class, growing the economy from the bottom up and the middle out.

Good-Paying Jobs

​“I believe every person in our country, then, must have access to the opportunity to compete, to succeed, and to thrive; the ability to achieve what I call financial freedom, which means having enough not just to get by but to get ahead — (applause) — to be able to build a business, to own a home, to start a family, and to create intergenerational wealth. — Kamala Harris, May 6, 2024


Guided by Biden-Harris’ strong, shared belief that everyone deserves the dignity and respect that comes from providing for one’s family with a good paying job, our economic recovery from the deep pandemic recession has been the fairest in our nation’s history. 

  • 14 million jobs and counting have been created on Biden-Harris' watch. 

  • Such a wealth of jobs has led to low unemployment during the Biden-Harris presidency and the longest stretch of unemployment below 4% in over 50 years.

  • This includes the lowest unemployment numbers in history for Hispanics, Blacks, and persons with disabilities.

  • Melissa Calderon, President/CEO of Prosperity Now notes that the continued increase in healthcare, professional and business services, and retail and social assistance “are a blueprint for eliminating the country’s racial and ethnic income inequality.”

  • Real wages are higher today for the average worker than they were in the pre-pandemic Trump years, adding $1,400 to the yearly family budget.

  • Our wage increase is unique among major developed nations.  While our post-pandemic wages have increased 2.8% above inflation compared to pre-pandemic, German workers, for example, earned 7.2% less.

kamala economy
job creation
earnings increase

Helping the Family Budget

Good paying jobs are the foundation of a family budget.  That’s money coming in, or revenue.  But then there’s money going out, i.e., costs.  Some good news is that wage growth now exceeds inflation.  Most of us have more money in our pockets and bank accounts for daily expenses, and at the end of the month we are coming out ahead.

kamala inflation budget

Even so, higher prices for monthly expenses can leave family budgets tight. Kamala Harris will continue to work to make: 

  • quality childcare affordable, costing no more than 7% of a family’s income;

  • pre-Kindergarten universally available for free

  • Stopping Price-gouging

Biden-Harris also worked hard to stop corporations from price-gouging American families and draining family budgets — and former prosecutor Kamala Harris will keep at it.  


On the cost of groceries, Biden-Harris has kept a keen eye on large supermarket chains, pressuring them to lower artificially high prices, and preventing large mergers from stifling competition.


They also have gotten rid of unfair hidden fees or “junk fees” by banks, credit cards, hotels, rental housing, cable, concerts, airlines, and healthcare. 

 Biden-Harris Administration has:

  • made it illegal for banks to charge for basic services, such as charging $30 to check your balance;

  • reduced overdraft fees by about 50%, saving an average of $150 for 33 million American families;

  • stopped credit card companies from gouging people with insane fees; instead of paying an average of $31 for making a late payment, now they can’t charge you more than $8.

Bringing Inflation and Prices Down

  • The inflation rate has come down 6% on Biden-Harris’s watch.

  • Inflation has been a problem around the world as everyone dealt with coming out of the pandemic.  But the Biden-Harris Team has worked hard and inflation in our country has been reduced more than in other developed nations.

  • Biden-Harris began with snarled supply-chains left by the Trump Administration — a major contributing factor to inflation.  They created a high-level task force to straighten things out and get things moving again.  And they have.

  • Inflation is projected to continue to fall in 2024 from 3.2% all the way down to 2.2%, according to Goldman Sachs.



Kamala Harris will continue to work to make: 

  • quality childcare affordable, costing no more than 7% of a family’s income;

  • pre-Kindergarten universally available for free.

childcare biden

Stopping Price-gouging

Biden-Harris also worked hard to stop corporations from price-gouging American families and draining family budgets — and former prosecutor Kamala Harris will keep at it.  


On the cost of groceries, Biden-Harris has kept a keen eye on large supermarket chains, pressuring them to lower artificially high prices, and preventing large mergers from stifling competition.


They also have gotten rid of unfair hidden fees or “junk fees” by banks, credit cards, hotels, rental housing, cable, concerts, airlines, and healthcare. 

 Biden-Harris Administration has:

  • made it illegal for banks to charge for basic services, such as charging $30 to check your balance;

  • reduced overdraft fees by about 50%, saving an average of $150 for 33 million American families;

  • stopped credit card companies from gouging people with insane fees; instead of paying an average of $31 for making a late payment, now they can’t charge you more than $8.

Helping With Student Debt

Biden-Harris promised that they will give more borrowers breathing room so they can get out from under the burden of student loan debt, move on with their lives and pursue their dreams.

  • Biden-Harris has forgiven more than $136 billion in student loans for more than 3.7 million borrowers thus far.

  • Many are teachers, nurses, social workers, firefighters, and other public servants who had earned forgiveness but never received it.

  • When the Supreme Court struck down his original plan to forgive at least $10,000 for those making less than $125,000 a year, Biden-Harris found work-arounds.  

kamala harris student
  • They continue to find ways to forgive more student debt, e.g. the Saving on a Valuable Education (SAVE) Plan, wherein payments are lowered and some will have their debt canceled.  7 million have already enrolled in SAVE.

  • Biden-Harris’s Education Department has issued a draft regulation that will forgive the debt of those likely to default do to various hardships, especially financial hardships.

While these are substantial achievements, Kamala Harris knows the job isn’t done on student debt.

Helping Families Own a Home

A house becomes a home when you make it your own.  And for many of us that means owning your own home.  It’s where you and your loved ones live together as a family, where so many family memories are created.  For many of us, it is also our largest investment, creating wealth through equity.

That’s why Biden-Harris is doing everything they can to make home ownership possible for families.

When they came into office, there was a large shortage of affordable homes.  But thanks in part to efforts by the Biden-Harris team things are improving:

  • more housing units are being built now than at any time over the last 50 years;

  • home ownership is higher now than before the pandemic.

They know more must be done.  

biden home ownership

That’s why they submitted to Congress a plan to:

  • build and renovate more than 2 million homes;

  • help nearly 3 million families by providing a one-year tax credit for up to $10,000 for those selling their starter home to increase supply for first-time homebuyers;

  • help more than 3 million middle-class first-time homebuyers with a $5,000 tax credit for two years;

  • help 400,000 families purchase their first home by providing up to $25,000 to first-generation homebuyers, allowing them to create equity and build wealth.

Helping Children in Less Fortunate Families

Poverty poses an undue burden on families, impacting children the hardest.  

One of the greatest successes in our nation’s history for helping needy children was the one-year expanded Child Tax Credit passed in April 2021 as part of Biden-Harris’s first major legislative achievement, the American Rescue Plan. 

  • It was primarily responsible for removing 7.3 million children from poverty. 

  • After Republicans refused to extend the program, 5 million children fell back into poverty.

Now there is the possibility of passing legislation to reintroduce a slimed-down version of the expanded Child Tax Credit (CTC)

  • This CTC would help 16 million children and lift up to 400,000 children out of poverty in the first year.

  • It is designed explicitly to help larger families, who have been slighted in the past.

Evangelicals For Harris has worked to enact this CTC.  It could be another bipartisan victory for Biden-Harris and help return us to a semblance of bipartisan compassion that reflects the true heart of our nation.  

Thankfully the House overwhelmingly passed a tax package including CTC.  

But right now it is being held up in the Senate, and some don’t want to pass it this year and give Biden-Harris a victory.

Kamala Harris is not giving up.  Her whole career she has been a champion of children.

kamala harris with kid

Gun Safety

Nothing can shatter a family’s wellbeing more than the death of a child.  Gun violence is the leading cause of death for children.  Yet gun safety is one of the most contentious issues in our country. 

That hasn’t stopped Biden-Harris from working to make families safe. In the face of deadly shootings at schools and houses of worship, we had despaired that anything could get done to reduce such violence.

Thankfully Biden-Harris was able to work with Congress to pass the first major gun legislation in nearly 30 years, the Bipartisan Safer Community’s Act.  They readily admitted that it wasn’t everything they wanted.  But it’s a start.  The legislation includes:

  • enhanced background checks for those under 21;

  • incentives for states to implement “red flag” laws that allow law enforcement to confiscate guns from individuals a judge has determined to be too dangerous to have one;

  • closes “the boyfriend loophole” adding boyfriends to the other types of domestic abusers are not able to buy a gun, i.e., abusive husbands, live-in boyfriends, and fathers;

  • provides over $13 billion for school safety and mental health programs, and;

  • tougher sentences for illegal purchases.

Biden-Harris wasted no time in having their Administration implement the law and find other ways to act through all the powers at his disposal, including establishing the White House Office of Gun Violence Prevention to keep things moving.  In all, Biden-Harris has taken more meaningful action on gun safety than any other Administration.  

It’s about keeping all of us safe, especially our children.  Every child deserves to feel safe at school, and Kamala Harris won’t stop until they do.

Defending Families Against Crime

As a former prosecutor and Attorney General, Kamala Harris knows the impact crime can have on families.  That’s why she is quite proud of the Biden-Harris record on crime prevention.

According to the FBI, in 2023:

  • crime declined across almost every category;

  • all violent crimes fell to one of the lowest rates in more than 50 years;

  • the murder rate saw its sharpest decrease in history.

This is tremendous progress compared to when Biden-Harris assumed office.  During the Trump years our nation saw the largest increase in murders ever recorded.

Biden-Harris has worked hard to help achieve these results.  Their American Rescue Plan made the largest federal investment in law enforcement and crime prevention in our nation’s history:

  • providing $15 billion to cities and states;

  • adding more cops on the beat;

  • investing more in crime prevention and mental health.


As discussed above, Biden-Harris has also done more on gun safety, signing the first major legislation in nearly 30 years. 

kamala harris tough on crime

Biden-Harris are keeping families safe from crime and violence, but the former prosecutor and Attorney General knows the job isn’t finished.  She’ll keep at it and stay vigilant.

Defending Families Against Pandemics

Like Biden-Harris did with COVID, Kamala Harris will defend families against any future threat from a pandemic.  The Biden-Harris COVID record makes this clear:

  • 86% of people 6 and up received the vaccine by the end of the pandemic, with 95% of our most vulnerable population, seniors, vaccinated.

  • Delivered over 1.6 billion free COVID tests to the American people.

  • Used the Defense Production Act over 100 times to fix medical supply issues.

  • Schools and businesses were reopened safely, and helped over 200,000 child care facilities stay open.

  • Eliminated the gap in survival rates between ethnic groups with a hands-on, block-by-block campaign.

  • ​Recognizing that all pandemics are worldwide phenomena, rejoined the World Health Organization after his predecessor  pulled us out, and provided more vaccines to poor countries than all the other major developed countries combined, over 691,000,000 doses.

covid vaccine
covid death rate

Defending Families From Pollution

The Biden-Harris environmental policies reflect their belief in the dignity of every person and their compassion for vulnerable children.  While everyone is harmed by pollution, children, especially unborn children, are more vulnerable and need our protection because their bodies are smaller and still developing.

The Biden-Harris Administration has issued stricter standards on:

  • mercury, a dangerous neurotoxin, especially harmful to unborn children, causing brain damage and heart damage; this stricter standard will result in up to $1.9 billion in health benefits;

  • soot, or tiny particles, keeping unborn children safe from birth defects, saving 4,000 lives, and avoiding 270,000 lost work days;

  • vehicle pollution, resulting from two standards, the first in effect through 2026, creating $190 billion in net benefits for human health and family budgets, and the second starting in 2027 that will generate $13 billion in health benefits and $62 billion in savings for families;

  • methane pollution and other pollutants associated with oil and natural gas operations, that will reduce 16 million tons of smog-forming volatile organic compounds (VOCs) that increase asthma attacks, and 590,000 tons of toxic pollutants like benzene, a cancer agent;

  • lead pipes in schools requiring them to be replaced within 10 years;

  • toxic chemicals in our drinking water, including the first-ever standard for toxic chemicals, called PFAS.

Biden-Harris are also making pro-family, pro-child investments, such as:

  • reducing pollution in schools, including $32 million to reduce indoor air pollution and $58 million to replace lead pipes;

  • $50 billion, the largest investment ever, to upgrade the nation’s water infrastructure, including $15 billion to replace lead pipes.

defend kids from pollution

Defending Equal Opportunities and Safety for All Families

“I was born in the fight. My parents were active in the Civil Rights Movement and would take me to marches in a stroller.  Today, as Vice President of the United States, it is my honor to travel our nation protecting freedoms and fighting for justice, opportunity, and equality.” — Kamala Harris, Sept. 2, 2023

Are we going to be a country that still believes that all persons are created equal, endowed by God with unalienable rights to life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness?  

Families can’t have these unalienable rights, the rights for which we fought for our independence as a country, unless they are free from racism.  For all of our families to be free, for all of our families to be safe, for all of our families to have equal opportunities, for all of our families to be able to pursue happiness, we must rid our country of the scourge of racism and hatred.

kamala harris parents civil rights

Keeping Our Country and Military Families Safe

The safety of families and the safety of our nation go together.  This is especially true for our military families.

As a prosecutor and Attorney General Kamala Harris took on plenty of bad guys, and she will continue to lead the free world against tyranny, criminal aggression like Russia’s invasion of Ukraine, and terrorism by groups like Hamas and ISIS.  By upholding democracy and the rule of law both here and around the world, Kamala Harris will continue to make the world a more stable place, which helps keep our military out of harm’s way and the flow of commerce more secure, making us safer and more prosperous.

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Kamala Harris assures our allies that the United States can be trusted to live up to its ideals and commitments, making us stronger together against the threats to freedom. 

In all these ways and more Kamala Harris protects and defends families from threats and works hard to help families make their lives better and happier.  She will never stop.  She does so because she firmly believes we are all made in the image of God, making us all created equal and therefore worthy of dignity and respect. 

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