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  • Rev. Jim Ball

My Tribute to President Biden

I am heartbroken that President Biden will not be reelected.  If anyone deserved it, he does. 

You have to go all the way back to FDR’s first term to find a comparable level of achievement.  Hyperbole? Look at the record.  President Biden has accomplished more in one term than most do in two:

  • Defended democracy and the rule of law from its greatest threat in our nation’s history — Mr. Trump.

  • Led the country out of a pandemic.  86% of people 6 and up received the vaccine by the end of the pandemic, with 95% of our most vulnerable population, seniors, vaccinated. Delivered over 1.6 billion free COVID tests to the American people.  Used the Defense Production Act over 100 times to fix medical supply issues.  Schools & businesses were reopened safely.  He helped 200,000+ child care facilities stay open.  Eliminated the gap in survival rates between ethnic groups with a block-by-block campaign.

  • Pulled the country out of a recession into economic growth that is the envy of the world.  The economy has grown 22%, with growth averaging 3.4% per year, the strongest by far of other developed economies.

  • Created 14 million jobs and counting. Such a wealth of jobs has led to the longest stretch of unemployment below 4% in over 50 years.  This includes the lowest unemployment numbers in history for Hispanics, Blacks, and persons with disabilities.  This long stretch of low unemployment has led to wage increases for the average worker, adding $1,400 to the yearly family budget.

  • Protected and strengthened our healthcare system, leading to: the greatest percentage of people covered in our nation’s history, approximately 93 percent at the end of 2022 (the latest year for which there is data); four out of five people on the Healthcare Marketplace being able to find a plan for less than $10 a month, and over 90% having three or more options from which to choose; working families saving an average of $800 per person a year thanks to health care subsidies provided by Biden’s legislative victories; Insulin costs being capped at $35 per month for seniors on Medicare, saving an average of $500 per year; winning the ability for the government to negotiate with drug companies to lower drug prices.

  • Made the largest federal investment in law enforcement and crime prevention in our nation’s history by providing $15 billion to cities and states; adding more cops on the beat, and; investing more in crime prevention and mental health.  During his presidency crime declined across almost every category.  All violent crimes fell to one of the lowest rates in more than 50 years.  The murder rate saw its sharpest decrease in history, and rapes declined significantly. 

  • Created one of the greatest environmental legacies ever, with a special concern for communities left behind in the past.  On climate change, Biden led the passage of the most consequential climate and clean energy legislation in our history, the Inflation Reduction Act (IRA), which could end up investing over $1 trillion to reduce climate pollution, spurring an additional $3 trillion in business investment, while creating up to 1.5 million good paying jobs.  He has put our nation on a trajectory to have renewable energy be our #1 source of electricity; it’s already #2, having recently surpassed coal.  He rejoined the Paris Climate Agreement and provided indispensable international leadership in rallying the world for meaningful action.  All of this and more has us on track to have the US play its part in keeping warming to around 1.5 degrees Celsius above pre-industrial levels, thereby avoiding dangerous interference with the climate system by achieving Net-Zero emissions by 2050.  

  • Scored major bipartisan victories for our country, including: the Bipartisan Infrastructure Deal to rebuild our nation's roads, bridges, rails, airports, electrical grid, and much more; the CHIPS and Science Act to bring back semiconductor production in our country and boosting R&D to keep us on the cutting edge of useful scientific knowledge; the Respect for Marriage Act, protecting same-sex and interracial couples; the PACT Act to help veterans exposed to toxic chemicals; the Bipartisan Safer Communities Act addressing gun violence; and a deal with House Republicans to take away their ability to blackmail the country using the debt ceiling, which will also reduce the federal debt $1.4 trillion over a decade.Led the free world, restoring America’s place in our strategic alliances. 

  • On foreign policy and national security President Biden: rallied the world to defend Ukraine against Russia’s criminal aggression; strengthened NATO, and our alliances in Asia to counter China; supported the democratic state of Israel against Hamas’s terrorism while continuing the fight for a two-state solution, and; made the tough call to withdraw from Afghanistan.  In defending our country and the cause of freedom around the world, President Biden has shown us real courage, real character, real vision.   


President Biden has sacrificed his health shouldering the burdens of the office.  But the greatest sacrifice in service to our country was his painful decision to withdraw from running for reelection.  Springing from deep within his Catholic Christian faith, he chose the wellbeing of others over ambition and power.  I am hard-pressed to think of a more Christ-like act by an elected official in my lifetime.

And now it is up to the rest of us to honor and live up to President Biden’s sacrifice by doing all we can to defeat Mr. Trump and elect Joe Biden’s chosen replacement, his Vice President, Kamala Harris.

Because of President Biden, we’re going to win.  But we must all play our part.  Let’s do this.

Rev. Jim Ball, Ph.D.

Founder and Chair,

Evangelicals For Biden

and now

Founder and Chair,

Evangelicals For Harris


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