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  • Evangelicals for Harris

Press Release—Biden’s Pick Up with White Evangelicals Exceeds His National Margin of Victory

For Immediate Release

November 4, 2020

Biden’s Pick Up with White Evangelicals Exceeds His National Margin of Victory 

Evangelicals For Biden More Than Doubles that Pick Up in its Target State of Michigan

Evangelicals For Biden dedicated the majority of its paid media budget to Michigan, directly engaging just over 1.5 million evangelical voters through an email and digital advertising campaign. Over 250,000 of those evangelicals voters clicked through to the campaign’s website or took social media actions from those engagements.

Biden’s Pick Up with White Evangelicals Exceeds His National Margin of Victory
PC: Pete Marovich

Democrats lost Michigan in 2016, but Biden was able to improve his performance with evangelicals voters by a net of 26% over Hillary Clinton, accounting for 350,000 of his votes in Michigan (he currently leads by 70,000 in the state).  

Compared to 2016, white evangelical voters swung 22 points from Trump to Biden, and Biden picked up 4 additional points from evangelicals who voted 3rd party in 2016.  This evangelical shift helps explain Biden’s improved performance in the suburbs and western/southwestern part of the state where he made meaningful marginal improvements compared to 2016.  

“We saw game-changing gains in Michigan, a crucial state where our campaign invested most heavily,” said Rev. Jim Ball, Evangelicals for Biden’s founder and co-chair. “Our positive message resonated with voters throughout the state, and we are hopeful this will provide a blueprint as we all look to heal our nation and build toward a brighter future.”

Nationally, Biden netted 11% over Hillary Clinton’s 2016 performance with white evangelicals, which resulted in 4.5 million additional votes.  

Joe Biden leads Michigan by about 70,000 votes today. Without these evangelical voters Biden would not be leading in Michigan this evening. 

Contact: Rev. Jim Ball, 202-744-5615


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