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  • Evangelicals for Harris

Press Release: Evangelicals For Harris

July 24, 2024

A new campaign to elect Kamala Harris president of the United States has been launched: Evangelicals For Harris.

Evangelicals for Harris logo

“We keep surprising people.  We helped Joe Biden win in 2020, and we’re helping Kamala Harris today,” said the Rev. Dr. Jim Ball, founder and Chair of both efforts.  

“Her policies are pro-family.  As a former prosecutor and Attorney General, she will defend our democracy, the rule of law, and continue the drop in crime.  She’ll keep the government out of private family matters.  She’s pro-environment and pro-climate action.  And she will keep the economy growing and wages increasing, while continuing to bring prices down,” said Ball.

While Evangelicals For Harris has just begun, in 2020 Evangelicals For Biden played a strategic part in the Biden-Harris victory.  It was the largest independent evangelical grassroots campaign ever to support a Democratic presidential candidate, which provided strategic support by flipping Trump voters into Biden-Harris voters.

In 2020 Evangelicals For Biden:

  • engaged over 40 million faith voters, including 30 million in target states;

  • had over 7.5 million voters click through to our content, including nearly 5 million in target states;

  • diverted over 100,000 nationally and 80,000 from target states from QAnon and Trump fundraising websites to our positive content.

Did evangelical Trump voters flip into Biden-Harris voters?  In Michigan, Biden-Harris netted 350,000 evangelical votes.  (They won the state by 154,000.). In Georgia the net was 245,000.  (They won by 12,670.)

“Kamala Harris knows how to stand up to and stare down bullies.  We’re going to win, and she will make a terrific president” said Ball.  “Tough on bad guys.  Compassionate for those in need.  Ready to unite our country.  She’s a terrific combination.”


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