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  • Evangelicals for Harris

Press Release—In Georgia, Biden's Gains with White & Black Evangelical Voters Account for Over 245,000 Votes

For Immediate Release

November 4, 2020

In Georgia, Biden’s Gains with White & Black Evangelical Voters Account for Over 245,000 Votes

Evangelicals For Biden’s Campaign to Black & White Evangelicals Helps Georgia Outperform

Evangelicals For Biden (EFB) directly engaged over 1.3 million evangelical voters (both African American and white) in Georgia through a 3-month email and digital advertising campaign, which included delivering over 3.5 million ad impression with EFB’s positive faith message into Fulton County alone from Nov 1-3. Over 200,000 Christian voters clicked through to the campaign’s website or took social media actions in response. 

Exit polls did not report on African American faith voters, but Biden was able to improve his performance with Georgia’s evangelicals voters by a net of 16% over Hillary Clinton, accounting for 245,000 of his votes.  This was marked improvement over Biden’s 11% net gain with white evangelicals nationally compared to 2016.   

Press Release—In Georgia, Biden's Gains with White & Black Evangelical Voters Account for Over 245,000 Votes

Compared to 2016, Georgia’s white evangelical voters swung 14 points from Trump to Biden, and Biden picked up an additional 2 points from evangelicals who voted 3rd party in 2016. 

“By starting our outreach early in Georgia, we were able to develop a clear picture of where we could flip and turn-out Christian voters in Georgia,” said Rev. Jim Ball, Evangelicals for Biden’s founder and co-chair. “The strong response we received from both African American and white voters to the same positive faith-based appeal shows why it’s important for Democrats to continue engaging with these communities after the election.”

With Georgia’s race still too close to call, Biden’s quantified gains with white evangelicals and unquantified but clear pick up with Black Church attendees will play a key role in the final outcome.

Contact: Rev. Jim Ball, 202-744-5615


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