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  • Rev. Jim Ball

Racist and Sexist Attacks Aren’t Going to Stop Kamala Harris. She’s Too Strong For That.

Almost immediately after her endorsement by President Biden, Mr. Trump and MAGA Republicans began their attacks on Vice President Kamala Harris, now the presumptive Democratic nominee for president.

kamala power walk

I wish that Mr. Trump’s brush with death would have changed him.  But the day after President Biden’s announcement Trump called Vice President Harris “Dumb as a Rock.”

And now Republicans are attacking her because of her race.  

Realizing how dumb that is, the Washington Post reports that:

“House Republican leaders, including Speaker Mike Johnson, have asked their members not to make comments about Vice President Harris’s race after a number of GOP lawmakers referenced her identity in attacks on the likely Democratic presidential nominee.”

Attacking her race and making sexist remarks — what this says is that they are running scared.  

Should they be?  

They work so hard to create fear in others.  

And now they face a strong woman, a former prosecutor and Attorney General who knows how to stare down tough guys.  She’s been attacked all of her life because of her race and her gender — and she’s a heartbeat away from the presidency.  Racist and sexist attacks haven’t stopped her one bit.  And they won’t now.  They will only make her stronger.

Other Republicans like Speaker Johnson are trying to get their colleagues to focus on her record.  

kamala harris evangelicals for harris

I can’t remember the last time I agreed with Senator Ted Cruz (R-TX) on anything.  But he recently said something I agree with:


“100 percent of the Joe Biden record is Kamala Harris’s.”

They want to attack her on the Biden-Harris record?  She’ll have a grand time with that one.

So let’s quickly compare Biden-Harris to Mr. Trump on political terrain seemingly favorable to him.

How about the economy?  Biden-Harris beats Mr. Trump on economic growth and jobs while bringing inflation down and wages up.  They have grown and strengthened the Middle Class, whereas Trump padded the wealth of the rich at the expense of everyone else, increasing economic inequality.  Due to Biden-Harris’s policies, our economic recovery from the deep pandemic recession has been the fairest in our nation’s history. 

Patriotism?  The Biden-Harris team has defended democracy, the rule of law, and freedom both here and abroad, and holds fast to the truth that we are one nation under God, ever striving to bring liberty and justice for all, whereas Mr. Trump, a convicted felon, has damaged democracy by lying about the 2020 election, undermining trust in the system, and has advocated for suspending the Constitution, using troops on American soil, weaponizing the Justice Department and FBI, investigating the media for treason, and placing the president above the law.  He erodes faith in our jury system, a cornerstone of the rule of law, with his attacks.  And now many Republican leaders have followed him in undermining both democracy and the rule of law.

I could go on, but the point is made.  Kamala Harris has a terrific record to run on.  And if Mr. Trump and MAGA Republicans continue to attack her because of her race and gender, the American people will reject such toxic politics.

Truth is, they should be scared.  

The good news for the rest of us is that Kamala Harris will continue to rise above, stand up to bullies, and make a terrific president.


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