Statement from Evangelicals for Harris in response to Franklin Graham's most recent legal threats
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Evangelicals for Harris

Statement from Evangelicals for Harris in response to Franklin Graham's most recent legal threats

For Immediate Release 

October 8, 2024

In response to our first ads, Franklin Graham went on a conservative media tour calling us names and telling Christian audiences to ignore the Scripture and Donald Trump’s own words in our ads. When that failed and tens of millions of Christian voters not only listened to but shared our ads, Franklin Graham turned to a page in the Trump playbook and is trying to silence us with threats of a long and costly court process.

Franklin is scared of our ads because we do not tell people what to do or think. We merely hold Trump’s own words up to the light of Scripture, the necessity of repentance, and Biblical warnings against leaders exactly like Trump.

Franklin knows he cannot use the words of Jesus Christ to defend or justify Trump — a strongman whose words and deeds reject truth, endorse violence, and advocate a worldview in opposition to the Fruits of the Holy Spirit (Gal 5:22-23). Indeed, his character is more reflective of the Spirits characterized as anti-christ (1 John 4:2-3, 6-21). Followers of Jesus should study closely which spirits they walk in step with (Gal 5:16-26).

Franklin has placed his hope in a man and a darkness we saw manifest when police lines were overrun at our nation’s Capitol on January 6, in Springfield this past month, and in the spirit of fear and anger fed at every Trump rally Franklin attends.

Our hope is not in any man or woman but in Christ alone. Our call is to serve, to witness Christ’s love and compassion, and to follow His example of standing between the hypocritical religious leaders and the social outcast. We know the law is on our side in this case. If Franklin follows through on his threats, we’ll see him in court.

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