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  • Evangelicals for Harris

What We’re Watching: Faith, Democracy, and Freedom Series with Administrator Gina McCarthy

The Honorable Gina McCarthy, former National Climate Advisor to President Biden and former EPA Administrator to President Obama, recently joined Reverend Dr. Jim Ball on the Faith, Democracy & Freedom Series. 

Administrator McCarthy discussed the historic climate accomplishments she achieved with President Biden, emphasizing that there is much more work to do to protect our environment, our children, and our grandchildren.

At Evangelicals for Biden, we know that good stewardship of God’s creation and strong action to address harmful pollution is part of both good citizenship and good discipleship.

We believe President Biden is the right man to lead us to accomplishing these goals. Here are highlights of President Biden’s accomplishments to date: 

  • Championed and signed the most consequential climate and clean energy legislation in our history, the Inflation Reduction Act (IRA), which could end up investing over $1 trillion to reduce climate pollution, spurring an additional $3 trillion in business investment, while creating up to 1.5 million good paying jobs.

  • Finalized a regulation (or rule) on methane pollution, a potent heat-trapping gas, that will cut methane 80%, the equivalent of taking 28 million cars off the roads—and keeping our air cleaner for the most vulnerable. 

  • Reducing climate pollution from the transportation sector, the #1 source of heat-trapping emissions through the tightest vehicle standards to date, a regulation tying highway funds for states to pollution-reduction goals, and Executive Orders that 50% of all passenger vehicle sales be zero emission vehicles by 2030 and that the federal government procure 100% zero emission vehicles by 2035 and 100% zero emission trucks by 2027.

  • Rejoined the Paris Climate Agreement and provided indispensable international leadership in rallying the world for meaningful action, e.g., The Global Methane Pledge with 155 countries, and bilateral agreements with China, the world’s #1 emitter.

  • Created numerous ways for average Americans to help the family budget and reduce pollution at the same time by receiving tax credits — up to $2,000 for a heat pump, saving $500 a year on energy bills, up to $1,200 for energy efficiency improvements for doors, windows and insulation; up to $7,500 for a new clean vehicle and $4,000 for a used clean vehicle.


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